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© 2015 Ironhorse Country Club

Ironhorse Honors Colonel James H. Kasler, American Hero

Please join us in honoring the memory of Colonel James H. Kasler, our longtime friend and neighbor who passed away in April 2014. Colonel Kasler was born in 1926 in South Bend, Indiana and was a longtime resident of Momence, Illinois and Ironhorse. His widow Martha and his three children survive him. In his honor, Ironhorse is dedicating a park bench and plaque at the intersection of Ironhorse Boulevard and the entrance to the Ironhorse Country Club. The ceremony will take place at 11:30 am on Wednesday, January 28, 2015. West Palm Beach Mayor Jerri Muoio will be among the dignitaries attending.

The plaque to Colonel Kasler reads:

Col. James H. Kasler, USAF (Ret)

May 2, 1926-April 24, 2014

In short, Col. Kasler was the single most decorated pilot in the history of the USAF. Col. Kasler defended his Country in three wars, WWII, Korea (where he first became an "ace") and Vietnam where, on his 198th combat mission he was shot down flying tree top level in support of his wingman who had previously been shot down.

Col. Kasler spent 6 ½ years in the infamous "Hanoi Hilton" prison camps in North Vietnam where he endured unimaginable tortures and deprivations for his refusals to cooperate with anti-American propogandists.

To date Col. Kasler is the only three time recipient of the Air Force Cross (our nations second highest military medal). He was also awarded two silver stars, two bronze stars and two purple hearts not to mention no less than 76 other medals for valor. Men like this should not be forgotten.

Upon his death, General Mark A. Welsh III, Air Force Chief of Staff, said of Col. Kasler: "But what was most important to him was his honor, and return with honor he did. Those who knew him, say he was a humble man, who never expected to be honored. He believed in family, God and our Nation, and he showed us all what courage, sacrifice and honor really look like."

The Club and the POA Communications Committee hope to see you there.

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